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Travis Grossi
3 min read
how not to sleep
I’m fascinated by people who can just lay their heads down and sleep. As if all that separates them from here and dreamland is a pillow,...

Travis Grossi
2 min read
the power of pictures
It took pictures and audio recordings. Words weren’t enough. I’ll admit I scrolled past the initial headlines a couple weeks ago as I...

Travis Grossi
7 min read
meddling through healthcare
I’m not great at going to the doctor. It usually takes me a couple days to realize I’m sick, and by then I figure I can wait for my white...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
I call my dad Pa. Not Pop or Pops or even Pappa. Pa. This is something I’ve always done, because this is the name he was assigned when I...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
listening to the trees
Trees can talk to each other. I know this because I read an article about it a couple years ago and then started to watch a TED talk...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
baby reasons
I share a paper thin bedroom wall with a neighbor’s baby I’ve never seen. It’s been two years now, and every time I hear it crying I...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
She was tall and blonde and a Reagan Republican, and would have loved a descriptive paragraph about her beginning with all those...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
faking it
Ten short years ago, “how many followers do you have?” was a question I could have only imagined being asked in the afterlife, in a...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
digging holes
My favorite professor in college once told us our twenties were for asking as many questions as we could, and then following those...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
I never intended to grow a beard. Bald since nineteen, I thought a beard would only draw attention to the lack of hair on the top of my...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
getting pilloried
It’s 10 in the morning and I’m standing in a medieval pillory, the old-school torture device that makes you look like you’re waiting for...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
finding (some) answers
Towards the end of high school, most weekend nights would begin or end at a smokey coffeeshop. This was before wifi, before Starbucks...

Travis Grossi
2 min read
Halfway there
Day fifteen. We’re halfway there. I’ll admit when I started this challenge, I didn’t think it’d be that hard. Write and post five hundred...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
getting over the rainbow
When I was a freshman in college, I wanted to write a book compiling people’s coming out stories. It seemed an auspicious time to be gay;...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
The thief of notre dame
I went to a catholic elementary school from kindergarten through the third grade called Notre Dame. The boys were required to wear light...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
hitting walls
When I was signed up for my first marathon, I was not a runner. I had run places, but mostly because I was being chased or was late for...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
allergic to karma
For years, whenever I’d hear about someone’s allergies, part of me was sympathetic but another, larger part of me kind of thought they...

Travis Grossi
2 min read
wear sunscreen 2.0
Ladies and gentleman of the class of 2018: wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. But...

Travis Grossi
2 min read
brother of the year
I’m not the best at planning ahead. One might argue that’s because I live in the moment, but one might also argue that is a ridiculous...

Travis Grossi
3 min read
shooting for the stars
I’m not sure why people stand in line at Starbucks anymore, shuffling up to the counter placing their orders one at a time like peasants....
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